Amber’s Story

My sweet girl. I still remember so well the day we first met you at the breeder’s home. You were only 3 days old. And you were so tiny compared to your 4 brothers. We were finally able to bring you and your brother, Max, home when you were about 8 or 9 weeks old. Somehow the years we had with you went by too quickly and now you’re at the Bridge. I miss you so much. A big piece of my heart went with you.
You were such a fighter right up until the end. Last summer you were diagnosed with kidney failure. Your wonderful vet suggested daily fluid treatments to wash all the toxins from your body. Even though your little back turned into a sprinkler by the end of the first week, you were getting better. You were put on a new medication and some supplements and thankfully the treatments and medication worked and you were in total remission. Your kidneys were completely normal once again. But on December 14 things suddenly changed. You started to refuse your special kidney diet food and you were out of remission. We tried to repeat the fluid treatments but it didn’t work this time. The vet said to feed you anything you would eat so you wouldn’t starve, so for a little while you were eating the same food as the others. But your kidneys continued to fail and eventually we had to make the most painful decision a pet parent can make. We had to let you begin your journey to the Rainbow Bridge.
You may click HERE to visit Amber and Max’s page but please return as I have tried to put together a special tribute here for my baby.

The picture below was the very last picture taken of Amber just before we left on that last ride
to the vet’s office. The pain of losing her is still so sharp. She will always be remembered with
love. Rest in Heavenly Peace, my sweetheart. We will be together again one day.

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