Shelby’s Story
Shelby came to live with us at the same time as Autumn. She was called “Shelly” at the rescue but since our daughter’s name is also Shelly, we changed it to Shelby.
Shelby’s original pictures reminded me so much of my Angel who I lost back in 2010. Little Shelby only weighed 5 pounds at the time of her adoption. And she was such a nervous little pup which told me she must have had a terrible start to her life. She seemed especially nervous around men. I held her on my lap the entire trip back to our house and she just trembled in fear. After we got home she tried to hide every time John walked into the room. She was ok around the other dogs and me but wouldn’t even take a treat from John.
It didn’t take her too long to realize that she was finally in a safe environment. And she certainly couldn’t resist the pieces of cheese that John offered the others. Soon she was right in line waiting for her piece of cheese.
Shelby will always be a bit on the nervous side as she still jumps when she hears a sudden or loud noise. But she loves us both and insists on giving kisses very freely. Every morning she jumps up on John’s lap, gives just one little lick on the face, and then jumps down. She just won’t settle down without this morning ritual being completed. And whenever I come in the house from somewhere (even if it’s just a walk down to the mailbox) she has to give me a kiss and won’t stop jumping on me until this happens.
Shelby is a prime example of a dog that had a rough beginning and made a complete turnaround with lots of love and patience. And she has proven that she has a lot of love to give.

Just look at the difference a year can make. Please visit some of the Picture Pages below to see updated photos of Shelby.
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Click Below To Read Pepper’s Story