Lexi’s Story
After losing Holly earlier in 2018, we were a 7-dog household once again. One day I was browsing through the Yorkie Rescue of Florida website and came across a photo of a Yorkie mix with a broken jaw. Her disability immediately caught my eye. A couple weeks later I noticed she was still on the site and still looking for her forever home. I showed her picture to John and he told me to go ahead and fill out the application.
A few days later her foster Mom called me and asked if we would like to come and meet her. Of course we said “yes”.
The meeting went very smoothly and we agreed that we wanted to adopt her. The rescue was very thorough and finally made an appointment to bring her over and do a home check and also see how she got along with the other dogs. The lady from the rescue who brought her said it looked like we had our home built especially for the dogs’ comfort. Probably true. Anyway, things went well and Lexi stayed with us. The foster family called her “Piper” but we changed it to Lexi since we had Pepper and the names were too much alike.
I was in shock when I read the paperwork that was left with us. Lexi was found as a stray in the Tampa area back in February. She was picked up by Animal Control and found to be in very bad condition. Her jaw was permanently broken and she was very malnourished. It seems they decided to euthanize her because of her broken jaw. She was already on “death row” and due to be put down the afternoon that the rescue showed up and pulled her out of the shelter and moved her to foster care in Ft Myers Beach.
She was in foster care for two months before we saw her picture and proceeded to arrange to adopt her. She is approximately 1 ½ – 2 years old and probably a Yorkie-Cairn Terrier mix. And she is so smart and so well behaved, even coming into an unfamiliar home with unfamiliar dogs.
Lexi is really giving Pepper a lot of exercise. They play all day long and even share their toys. Pepper has her ball and Lexi always has a squeaky toy in her mouth. And John and I are in the market for a good set of earplugs.
Lexi has been the perfect addition to our family, even though her tongue always hangs out because of her crooked lower jaw. She looks like she’s always smiling. And she’s also been good for some of the older dogs. The house actually shakes when Lexi, Pepper, and Annie get into a hot game of “chase me”.
Just keep on smiling, sweetie, because you always make us smile too.

that led us to Lexi
Always such a happy girl and glad to be alive

Additional pictures of Lexi can be found on the Picture Pages below
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