Max’s Story

My handsome boy, you’ve been gone 11 weeks now. I feel so guilty for not writing a tribute to you sooner but computer problems and issues with my website kept me from doing so. But all is good now.
You took such a huge part of my heart with you when you told me it was time to let you go and be with your sister, Amber. For a number of months my entire life revolved around taking care of you. You lost your sight and hearing, and arthritis kept you from moving around much on your own. I felt that I had to stay near the house all the time because if you woke up and found yourself alone, you always tried to maneuver your way around the house and usually ended up getting stuck in a corner or behind a piece of furniture. It tore my heart out seeing you like this, but in the early days, you made it clear that you weren’t ready to make that final journey yet.
Max, you’ve visited me so many times in my dreams since you’ve been gone. I shouldn’t really think of you as “gone” because your spirit is still everywhere around me. During your last few months I kept your bed on the floor right next to mine so I could hear you if you woke up during the night. A night hasn’t passed that I don’t still wake up because I hear you moving around with that little grunt you always used to make. When I get out of bed in the morning, I find myself still being careful not to step on you. It’s so hard.
I knew right after Christmas that you would soon be letting me know it was time to let you go. When Amber went to the Bridge two years before you, you grieved for her for such a long time. Somehow I don’t think you ever really stopped missing her. I so hoped you would be able to make it to your 18th birthday on January 27. But I’m thinking that maybe you wanted to spend your birthday with Amber. I take comfort in those thoughts. And I take comfort in knowing that the two of you are together again for eternity at the Bridge.
Until we meet again, my boy. You are in my heart forever.
You may click HERE to visit Amber and Max’s page but please return as I have tried to put together a special tribute here for my baby boy.

Max and his beloved sister, Amber, together again at Rainbow Bridge

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