Maggie’s Story

6/5/90 – 6/13/05
My little Maggie began her journey to Rainbow Bridge on June 13, 2005, just 8 days after her 15th birthday. We always thought her heart condition would take her to the Bridge, but instead liver failure ended her life here on Earth. Rest in Peace, my baby. Your memory will always be alive in our hearts until we meet again.


I first met Maggie in the fall of 1990 when Mom, Shelly, and I went on vacation to Daytona Beach, Florida. As normal tourists visiting Florida, we spent the days at the beach and the evenings in the mall. It was in a small strip mall that I saw her — a very small Chihuahua with big sad eyes. She cowered in the back of her cage and was terribly frightened of everything and everybody who came near. She was very obviously a puppy mill pup who had a very hard beginning to her life.
I couldn’t get her out of my mind that night and the next day. The following evening I returned to the shop to visit her again. She was still trying to hide from everyone. This time I asked to hold her. She trembled the entire time and refused to interact with anyone. I made up my mind that I had to rescue this pup.
On the drive back home to Michigan, Maggie kept to herself. In the motel room she tried to hide under the sink. I knew it would take a while to win her trust and show her we meant her no harm.
After being in our home for a few days and meeting Sabrina, Ginger, Tiffany, and Bart, Maggie started to show signs of accepting her new home and discovering that life wasn’t so bad after all. We tried to spend a lot of time with her to get her socialized and introduce her to the good things in life. Maggie decided the best thing in life was food. As she got older, she became very much overweight. As time went on, she discovered that playing wasn’t too bad either. She had finally overcome her fear of life and started being a real part of the family. Maggie was born with a partial cleft palate that made a funny noise when she breathed. She sounded very much like a little pig snorting. We always knew when she was coming.
In 2001 Maggie was diagnosed with a bad mitral valve in her heart. We were told it could be a serious problem because this type of surgery wasn’t being performed on dogs yet. Maggie was placed on the same heart medication that Mom took for her mitral valve problems.
I am thankful that Maggie was with us for a long time after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure. She was definitely not the shy little girl that she once was.






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