Dee Dee’s Story

My beautiful, sweet girl, I am still in shock over losing you. You were the victim of so many things that went wrong that terrible day. Normally I would have been out in the yard performing my daily cleanup ritual at that time, but something delayed me in the house. I am so sorry that you were hurt and I wasn’t there to keep it from happening. The vet tried so hard to save you and even took you home with him that night to take care of you. But the Lord had other plans for you. You were needed in Heaven and you obeyed His call. I will always wonder if the time and date of your passing has some hidden meaning. You left this world at exactly the same date (April 6) and time (10 PM) that Mom left us back in 2003. Was Mama there to meet you when you arrived? Are you safe in her arms now? She loved you so much when you were both still here with me.
Things have been so hard for us since you left. When “Dad” is calling all the dogs to give out treats, without thinking he still calls for “Froggie”, the name he gave you when you were just a pup. When I’m filling up the food dishes for everyone, I still find myself filling yours as well. I have kept your blanket that you had in your crate and will never wash it again. Your daughter, April, still looks for you and is also grief-stricken. How can life ever return to normal without you dancing and twirling around the way you always did? You were always so happy, and you always made us so happy.
Things are so different now. Our home isn’t the same without you and all your crazy antics. There is no doubt in our minds that you were one of a kind, one in a million. A piece of my heart died with you that terrible day that you left, leaving an empty space where there was once laughter and joy over the funny things you did. But you did leave us many things – your love, your loyalty, and most important – so many beautiful memories of nearly 12 years with you.
On Easter morning your tiny body was laid to rest in our cemetery next to your daughter, Tabitha, who died at birth back in 2001, and with our other precious furbabies. As I visit your gravesite day by day, I truly feel that you are not really there. Your loving spirit and your loyal, beautiful soul are actually buried deep within my heart.
My precious one, our little “Froggie”, we will love you always and will be reunited with you one day. Rest in Peace, my baby girl.
DeeDee’s story continues below, as originally written.
At my first encounter with a hairless Chinese Crested, I wasn’t sure whether to offer my sympathy to the owner, laugh, ask what happened to the dog, or just stare in amazement.
I was visiting our local flea market one Saturday morning and as I passed one of the vendor booths, I caught a glimpse of what resembled a pint-size pony tucked away in a dog bed behind the vendor’s table. This little dog had a “mane” as one would see on a horse and a tail to match. It also had little tufts of hair around the bottom of its feet like one might see on a draft horse. Other than this, the dog was totally hairless. The vendor allowed me to touch her. She felt almost like rubber but she was very soft. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The following weekend I took John along to show him what I had seen because he didn’t believe me when I described her to him.
Over the next couple of years I started to look at books to learn more about the breed. I found out that it is a breed not easily found unless through a breeder. I also found out they were quite costly. John and I discussed it over and over and over again. Finally in October of 1997, we made the decision to bring a Chinese Crested into our home.
I checked the Breeder Directory in Dog Fancy Magazine. I located a breeder in Sarasota, Florida, which is about a 2-½ hour drive from our home. I phoned the breeder and she told me she had a few pups available and I could see their pictures on her Internet site. I looked at the website and immediately noticed the picture of a 4-month-old puppy that was named “Aphrodite”, which was the name of the Greek goddess of beauty and love. I knew right away that she was the one I wanted.
I phoned the breeder on a Sunday night and said I was mailing her a check as a deposit to hold Aphrodite until the following weekend when we could make the drive to Sarasota. We decided not to wait, however, and we both took a vacation day to go pick her up on Wednesday.
Aphrodite was already used to her name and was called “Ditee” by the breeder. To avoid confusion for her, we renamed her DeeDee. DeeDee must have appeared very strange to the other dogs when we arrived back home. Normally, the others didn’t give newcomers much attention. They must have noticed something very different about DeeDee and all came over to check her out. Poor Serena, who was 2 years old when DeeDee arrived, was actually afraid of her. They worked it out in a very short time, however, and became best friends. I believe they will always remain very close.
We decided we wanted to add another Chinese Crested to our household in the fall of 2000. Since the stud fee was less than another puppy would have cost, I contacted the breeder where DeeDee came from. We agreed that a proven stud dog named Timothy would father DeeDee’s pups. The timing was right in February of 2001. Timothy was in Ft. Pierce, Florida, at a dog show gaining his Championship Title so we had to make two very long trips to Ft. Pierce to insure DeeDee’s pregnancy which was confirmed about 5 weeks later. Unfortunately, DeeDee had a difficult pregnancy and a hard time delivering the pups. One puppy we named Tabitha was lost at birth. A second Powderpuff puppy we named Angel was nearly lost. (See Angel’s Story later on this Website). Only one hairless puppy we named April (See April’s Story later on this Website) was born healthy. April actually reminded us of a little football. DeeDee was spayed along with her two daughters a few months after the birth.
DeeDee is a very beautiful Chinese Crested. She may have been able to go a long way in the show ring, but that is not the kind of life I want for her. She will always be my baby and remain by my side as a very sweet and loving little “pony”.





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