Rusty’s Story

Oh, Rusty….today marks the fifth day without you here letting me know that it’s feeding time. You were our little pack alarm clock when it came to food. You were always the first to come and paw my leg saying…”Feed Us”.
Our swimming pool is quiet now. You would have stayed in that pool 24/7 if we had let you. But at least you got a good 30 minutes of swimming time every day, just doing laps around the pool. Now the pool probably won’t be used nearly as much.
Rusty, why did you have to get an infection after the surgery that removed that two-pound tumor, your spleen, and six inches of your intestines? The day after the surgery you were doing so well and the vet even said maybe you could come home the next day. But you never came home again. The infection set in and you quietly slipped away in your sleep the following morning. At least you didn’t force me to make any painful decisions for you and I thank you for that.
You had such a hard start in life but when we rescued you, you left all the painful memories of your puppyhood behind you and moved forward to your new, happy life. Reuniting you with your brother, Tucker, was an added bonus. You loved Tucker so much and I know you remembered him when the two of you met once again. I also know that Tucker was there waiting for you when you arrived at the Bridge.
You were so very special to me, my little man in a fur coat. I will never ever forget the fun times we had together. There were so many of them. And I will never forget you and the love you gave me. I hope you and Tucker are having fun together once again. And I hope there is a big swimming pool for you there at Rainbow Bridge. I Love You!
Rusty’s original story continues below
Rusty joined our family in March of 2004. His brother, Tucker, had already been living with us since 2002.
As of this writing, Rusty has only been with us a few weeks. He was very thin when he joined us, so much so that his ribs were showing. He was returned to Shelly after living in deplorable conditions just as his brother Tucker. As a young puppy, he had been tied outside with very little human companionship. Considering this fact, I am truly surprised that he hasn’t suffered any permanent behavioral damage.
He seems to be a very happy little dog with a lot of energy, unlike my other Jack Russells, Sarah and Holly, who are couch potatoes. Rusty is suffering from the same skin condition that Tucker had in his early days with us. He will also need to go for months of treatments to get into top shape. I know he’ll make it. His appetite has improved, and he has actually gained 1 pound during his first two weeks with us.
Tucker and Rusty were separated for 18 months before finally being reunited at my house. After the first day or two, they started spending a lot of time playing together just as I’m sure they played when they were young puppies. Tucker has never interacted with any of the other dogs the way he does with Rusty. I really wonder if there isn’t something present that is triggering memories of their younger days together, and that they actually realize that they are brothers. Time will tell.
In the meantime, I will give them both all the love and attention that they so desperately crave. They certainly deserve the best life that we can give them.


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Click Below To Read Bailey’s Story — The Reunion