Bailey’s Story — The Reunion

I still remember the very first time I saw you. You were so tiny, running and playing on the bleachers at the arena where Shelly was riding her prized Palomino, Joey, at an Orlando horse show. You were part of a litter belonging to a beautiful Jack Russell who was owned by a friend of Shelly’s who also rode her horse in the shows. Shelly took you home with her that day. Seven years later as fate would have it, you came home to live with us and your three daughters, Holly, Sarah, and Jennie.
You had a really wonderful life living here. You fit in perfectly with the rest of the pack. Your days were filled with tennis balls, squeaky toys, your favorite blue ball, and the swimming pool. Although many of your pack-mates loved to swim in the pool, you were the only one who insisted on diving in rather than just walking in off the stairs. You and your pack-mate, Rusty, spent so many hours in that pool. Rusty made his final journey to the Bridge 2 years ago. Now with you gone too, the pool is quiet.
The vet was amazed that you were so healthy at nearly 17 years old. Even when you first started getting sick two weeks ago, all your blood work was normal and the ultrasound didn’t reveal any tumors or cancer. But you had a terrible intestinal infection. Our wonderful vet tried so many options to rid you of that infection, but nothing was working. As a last resort he said he could try another type of drug but it would probably make you very sick before it could possibly start to work. I couldn’t put you through that. You had fought long and hard enough and you deserved a rest.
So the angels came down from Heaven and took you home yesterday at 2:45 in the afternoon. And another big piece of my heart is missing. So many of your pack brothers and sisters went to the Bridge ahead of you, so I know it was a very happy reunion. You did leave something of yours behind other than a lot of good memories that we could hold on to…….You left us with your three beautiful girls. Every time we look at them, we will think of you. You will always stay safe in our hearts and in the hearts of all who loved you.
Bailey’s original story continues below

Shortly after Shelly got Bailey, Sadie and Jack also became part of her family. All three dogs are Jack Russell Terriers.
Sadly, Jack departed for Rainbow Bridge in June of 2005 but not before presenting Bailey with a couple of litters of beautiful pups, among them being my Sarah, Holly, and Jennie.
After Jack died, Sadie began showing aggressive tendencies toward Bailey. Sadie became very attached to Shelly and would never leave her side. If Bailey tried to come near, Sadie would try to attack her. Ultimately they had to be separated and Bailey was the one who had to be secluded from the family because Sadie would bark and whine constantly if she was locked away. John and I felt we had to rescue Bailey from Sadie, so Bailey is now living with us.
Bailey has been welcomed into our doggie family by all the others. She was accepted as part of the pack from day one. When Bailey first came into the house, Jennie ran up to greet her. Jennie got very excited and seemed to recognize her mother after not seeing her for more than a year. Bailey also began to lick Jennie’s face. It took a few hours, but eventually Sarah began to show some signs of recognition also. Sarah and Holly haven’t seen Bailey for over 5 years. Holly has also since accepted that her mother is back and now lies next to her on the sofa with Bailey resting her head on Holly.
Bailey has started to play with toys again and loves to play ball. She seems to truly enjoy her new freedom away from Sadie. She seems very interested in the swimming pool, so maybe soon she will join Rusty, Tucker, and Jennie for their daily romp in the pool.
Bailey has only been with us a week as of the time of this writing, but watch for future updates on her along with the others on the “Current Picture” pages for 2006 that will be coming out soon.






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